Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Weigh-In 5/30/11

Ooops! So, was just talking to Will about how I wasn't looking forward to weighing in tomorrow because I splurged on a hamburger and ice cream today and then he says, "Don't you weigh in on Mondays? Today IS Monday." Oooohh yeah! lol

So, today's weight : 216.2, down 42lbs!

*Glad today was splurge day because now I have the whole week to work it off ;) Back to the gym tomorrow! Which is TUESDAY by the way.... lol


  1. That's what I'm talking about!!!! :)

  2. My splurge day is Sunday, but I weigh in on Tuesday, so I have a day to eat light!

    Congrats on another loss!

  3. Here's a blog award for you!

  4. Just came by for the first time and sounds like you are making great progress:) I can't keep track of what day it is either!
