Saturday, July 9, 2011

This week I have been busting my butt working out at the gym, and I've been doing really well with portion size and my nutrition. I even turned down a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night, which is very impressive for me, lol! And, I have not had my regular "splurge" day this week either (I'm going to save it for Monday). I'm really hoping for a good weigh-in!

I'm super close to 200, so I'm really trying to reach my 60lb. goal, hopefully, by the end of July! That would be so incredible!

Until recently, I was just losing weight without really "thinking" about it and how far I had come. This week, a light bulb came on and I realized the significance of being the weight I am now. I haven't been this weight (200's) since my freshman year in college, and, if I'm speaking honestly, never really thought I would ever see these numbers again. I had just "settled" with the fact that I would just be a plus size girl, and that just was my destiny. I am realizing that I DO have say in which way I live my life, and I'm choosing not to settle. Being plus size is not "good enough" for me anymore! I'm tired of it, and I'm choosing a healthy happy life over an unhealthy and content one.
Yes, I'm "that girl" taking a picture of herself at the
gym! I figure it will help motivate me on the days
I don't wanna move. 

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