Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ONE pound!

Okay, I'm an addict. I couldn't wait until next Monday, so I got on the scale this morning. I will go ahead and count this as my weekly weigh-in (just a day late).


There are a few things that make this unbelievable:
1. I ate so crappy this week, but I guess not as bad as I thought.
2. I actually held onto the 100's! So, that makes it "official" to me. No more 200's! I just won't have it!
3. I use how my body "feels" to determine if I think I've gained weight. So, I felt my tummy this morning and felt like I was chunkier today than before. Note to self: that technique obviously doesn't work.

I am ONE POUND away from -60lbs. loss! ONE.POUND. I feel like I've been so close for a couple of weeks now, and this WILL be the week I drop the last pound. I've been good about diet since I got back home and have been working hard at the gym the past couple days, so I've got to keep it up if I want to lose that last pesky pound!

Random thought:
I've been noticing the commercials for weight loss plans and they always have people on there saying, "I've lost XXlbs on ____!" I always look at them and think, "Wow! That's a lot of weight and they look so different!"...then I realize that I've lost the same amount or even more than most of the people that I'm commenting about. I don't realize sometimes that I *really* have lost a lot of weight. I do look different. It is just proof to myself that I still have some work to do on the emotional/mental side of the weight loss. And I know that part will take longer and more effort that taking off the pounds will. I'm still a work in progress. ;)

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