Thursday, September 29, 2011


Went to the gym yesterday and it felt great again! I think I'm actually getting my groove back.
 Some of the great feelings are coming back, like how much better I feel when I'm not full of junk food! There are still cravings (that I just caved into for a month) those are hard to not give into right now, but I'm not caving, so that is good to me :)

Plans for today are to do some cleaning, school work, gym and make my favorite Turkey Meatballs! They are soooo delicious! You have to try them Lyndsie's Dr. Pepper Meatballs

I'll try to give an update tonight. Have a great day everyone! Remember, we just have to make one good choice at a time and we will get there! ;)


  1. Getting back on the wagon is hard. And kind of sucks. but then once you're back on, it always feels so much better. good job getting back on:)
