Thursday, June 30, 2011


bmiAs I am nearing my goal, I'm thinking of my new one. The whole reason I started this journey was to make myself healthy, so I have been keeping track of my BMI and right now it is 30 (the obese/overweight range). A healthy normal BMI ranges from 18.5-24.9, and after some research I have determined that my healthy weight (to reach normal BMI) is between 170-175lbs. This weight would be the top of the normal range.

So here is my thought.... once I hit my -60lbs, would it be possible to lose that much more (23-28 more lbs.)? Would that make me "too skinny" for my height? Could I do it before the New Year?

Lots for me to think about, but if my goal is to be as healthy as I can be, why stop at 60? Ya know?


  1. Well, a healthy weight, by definition, won't be too skinny for your height, and I TOTALLY think you could do it. I think, for everyone, it just boils down to how you feel at that weight, and if it makes you too miserable to get there for it to be worth it. If that makes any sense at all...but I absolutely think you can do it.

  2. Thanks Kathy! Your comment really got me thinking... I guess the "too skinny" comes from being a "big girl" my whole life. People always say to me "You don't want to get to skinny because you're so tall." or "You will look better when you lose weight, but don't lose too much" ugh. I think that is where my mentality has come from. Now that the weight is disappearing, I need to focus on changing my mentality about things and stop worrying about what others "want" or think of my weight/appearance.

    I know to you your comment may have seemed simple, but to me it just made a light bulb go off, so thank you!!! Hugs!
