Monday, August 8, 2011

Family Day :)

Will went to Georgia this weekend to do some testing with US Customs, so my Dad and sister decided to drive down from Virginia (where I'm originally from). We were super excited! We don't get to see them as often and we like even though it's only a 2hour drive.

Originally, we planned to make it a pool day, but since Madie was still a little under the weather I found this really cute place where you paint your own pottery. Since it was too hot outside for the park I thought this would be a cute idea. So, we went to eat first at Cracker Barrell, yuuummmmo! I got the grilled chicken tenderloin sandwich and subbed out the fries for a salad, so I was proud of myself. I did sneak a few of Madie's fried okra though ;) Hey, its a veggie dipped in fattening batter and grease, right?

Then we went off to make our pottery. It was so much fun and Madie had a blast! She made a plate for "Grandaddy and Baba" (my dad's, for 8years, girlfriend whom they both refuse to marry because "why fix what's not broken", who has been "grandma" since my mom is a d-bag, there I said it. ;)). Once we were done we come home a took a nap :) It was much needed. By that point it was too late to go to the gym, but since we had such a great day, I was okay with that.

Today, Will is back to we will be back to the grind at the gym! Hope everyone's weekend was great and here is to a successful week!

Here are some pics of me and my crazy wonderful family!
Little sister, Me, Madie and my Dad :)

Me, Madie and Dad

"Grandaddy, this is some serious business. I'm trying to concentrate."

Finished product!

1 comment:

  1. "there, I said it" made me LOL. Not the Internet kind. Really, truely, people are looking at me like I'm crazy, Laugh Out Loud.

    I just love you.
