Friday, September 9, 2011

Fell off the wagon and bumped my head...

Most people probably fall off and jump right back on, but OH NO, not me... I go hard or go home HAHA! Meaning, I fell off the weight loss wagon...BAD.
Will and I have moved to a house and I've started graduate school, so the last 3 weeks have been insane to say the least. Hence, why I haven't blogged. We ate out a ton, didn't go to the gym at all, and gained weight.... I mean more than 5lbs of weight. :( At first I was really bummed about it, felt like I had let myself down (and I still do feel that way a little), but then I had to make myself realize that this is LIFE and I'm making a LIFE change. Things happen, my weight may fluxuate etc. I have a "new" lifestyle now vs. my laid back "I've got nothing to do, so I might as well go to the gym" lifestyle. I need to figure out how to get back on the wagon with my NEW lifestyle. Grad school is busy and a TON of work, and the move was extremely busy, but now that things are more settled I have a better idea of what I need to do to get back and how to incorporate it back into my everyday life.

Tonight is a good start... no gym, but we are grilling chicken and zuccini on the grill tonight, so I'm exciting about that. I feel like I'm starting this process all over again, but thank GOD I'm not 60lbs heavier ;) So, now it's we go...

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