I've been MIA for a little bit because I was wrapping up my school year (as a teacher) and have been just super busy with family life. So, Will, Madie and I went to VA to see my Dad, sis and stepmom and it was awesome! We went to the zoo on Saturday, which was a good amount of walking, and then Will and I had date night that night while sis babysat Madie. It was a loving and relaxing weekend, which was much needed! :)
With that being said, we ate whatever we wanted. Hamburgers, pizza, sushi, and ice cream (with crushed twix and m&m's on top lol) were the menu. So.... as you can predict, crappy food + not a lot of exercise = weight gain. ugh. It stinks, BUT I don't feel guilty about it. First, I haven't had a gain in a while and it was soooo nice to not "worry" about it and enjoy the time with my family. I was focusing on that more.
So, the weigh-in on Monday 6/6 was: 217.4, up 1.2. oops!
This week:
I've been struggling with the "still feel fat" feeling. It sucks. And I've not been as motivated as usual, and I feel a little "stuck". I've added weight training to my workout, which I know is the right thing to do, because I want to tighten up too, but I think that is hindering actual "pounds" loss. Now, I just got on the scale this morning and it said I had lost 3lbs, but I thought that was wonky so I got on a few more times and it said something different each time. So, I just think it is time for a battery change lol! Well, we will see what happens on Monday with the official weigh-in.
Today we will be heading to a little cookout, but I'm going to do my best to "be good". I'll let you know how that goes! ;)